Case study: Build Disaster-recovery from ordinary NAS almost free of charge
You have pretty expensive NAS. With the missing disaster-recovery configuration. Let's add it for almost zero cost.
You have pretty expensive NAS. With the missing disaster-recovery configuration. Let's add it for almost zero cost.
Many storage teams use port numbers instead of WWNs during FC zone configuration. Do you belong to them? Personally, I think you are making big mistake. It seems that life is easier with port based FC zones but I will show you it could be opposite. If every touching of configuration is handled as planned change by your documented processes, read next. ...
If you are managing storage operations team, you are dealing with task how to run systems within your limited budget. Every technical issue costs you a money. Every outage caused by human error is therefore irritating. To eliminate human errors you are fighting with 3 following issues: not possible to limit admin access rights for less skilled team members typos in the naming convention causing non-functional reports non-unified configuration of disk arrays Nobody is solving these problems in most of the companies as there is no time, willingness to do it and often there is a belief that the solution is extremely expensive. But solution is relatively simple and surprisingly cheap. ...
Dream workflow Ak šéfuješ ľuďom, čo majú na starosti diskové polia, denne bojuješ s tým, ako zabezpečiť beh systémov v rámci svojho prideleného rozpočtu. Každý technický problém ťa stojí peniaze. Každý výpadok spôsobený ľudskou chybou ťa štve o to viac. A pri eliminácii ľudských chýb bojuješ s nasledovnými problémami: Nemožnosť prideliť obmedzený admin prístup menej skúseným členom tímu Neodhalené preklepy v názvosloví spôsobujú nefunkčnosť reportov Nejednotná konfigurácia diskových polí Vo väčšine firiem tieto problémy nikto nerieši. Nie je na to čas, chuť a často presvedčenie, že riešenie je extrémne drahé a tým pádom nie sú ani peniaze. Riešenie je však relatívne jednoduché a prekvapivo lacné. ...